Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hong Kong

So we had a five day weekend so i decided to go to Hong Kong.  There were two major reasons for this.  1)  I am training to hike the Inca Trail and could really use some hill training and Hong Kong has lots of those.  and 2)  My teaching parter my first two years in India abandoned me  :) and moved to Hong Kong so I wanted to check it out and visit him.

Things did not go as planned. I had a 5 hour non stop flight and I felt really sick on the plane and spent the last 3 hours basically willing myself to not throw up.  Not a good start!  I felt a little better in the airport, found my shuttle bus to the hotel and was on my way.  I stayed at the Cosmopolitan hotel right across from the Jockey club.  Jordan and Katy met me at the hotel and brought cupcakes!  so sweet - I had to save them for later though :(   we went to lunch and I got up from the table 4 times to sick in one way or another.  Not good.  We had planned to go hiking, but I just wasn't feeling well enough.  I went back to the hotel and rested and got sick :(  On Friday, they had to work so I went walking for a few hours, took a nap, and then met them for dinner.

In my walk, I noticed
1)  There is far less honking.
2) There is lots of traffic and it feels more busy, city like than Mumbai.
3) not ONE person stared at me
4) No one spit near me
5) No one was sleeping on the street and there was no garbage

We met two of their other friends for dinner and I tried this macaroni and cheese they raved about.  I was still being super cautious about eating so I ate about half of it and gave the barely cooked egg to Jordan so I didn't have to look at it! Normally I love eggs, but I just couldn't risk it.

On Saturday, I was well enough to eat some of the cupcakes!!  We took this trolley bus thing through part of the city.  They are slow moving, but cheap (about 50 cents) and the sides weren't enclosed so you could stick your head out and look around like a dog!  We went up on the double decker and we had great views as we were meandering through the city.  Hong is so busy that it is major sensory overload.  Mumbai does too, but Hong has more visual stimuli and less smelliness!!

I'm excited to see if these two women are on next season's Amazing Race!  There were two white women dressed alike and running around while cameras followed them.

We took the Ferry to Cheung Chai Island to go hiking.  We took the fast ferry on the way there.  It cost about $3 and took about half an hour.  It was also pretty bumpy - I had to close my eyes and go to my happy place to keep my cupcakes down!   The island was beautiful.  Jordan and Katy were gracious enough to allow me to wear my ridiculous hiking boots and huge backpack to train even though we were on a very tame trail :)

The island so peaceful.  There were lots of people out there enjoying the great weather.  It was so cute to see adults riding bicycles with training wheels :)  When you think about it though where on earth would they learn to ride a bike in the crowded city.  We took the slow ferry back and it was only about $1.50, took an hour and was much less bumpy.

We went home to shower and nap then met for dinner.  I always try to eat beef when I am out of India and all my beef eating plans went out the window because, well, I couldn't eat!  but by this third night, I was willing to try it.  We went to a place called Beef and Liberty (cool name) and I had a delicious cheese burger.  I still couldn't eat much so no sides - just the burger and half of one bun, but it was awesome!

On Sunday I went up a very steep hill to a jogging trail/park area.  I was still in the middle of the city, but it was quiet and green!
This shows how there are parks and trees right in the middle of the city. 

Here is the jogging trail - so nice. 

I am disappointed in this picture, because it doesn't capture the steepness
of this hill like I wanted.  It was REALLY steep. 

I had a great time, and I would love to visit Hong Kong again!  It could be a possible next place to live.  The apartments are TINY, but the city is great for walking and has lots of western food :)

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