Saturday, August 31, 2013

Not my first rodeo

I taught this phrase to some of the foreign staff :)

I had chest pain for a couple days which isn't a new thing.  I spent two years in terrible pain every time I took a breath.  I was on vicodin and Anti-inflammatory meds for a long time.  I've been off of them but I have three incidents of severe chest pain since March.  I took Advil for a few days to keep the edge off the pain but Friday the pain was much worse.  I don't tell people unless I have to because they freak out when they hear "chest pain" but I had to say something because breathing was hard and I needed better meds.  Of course people panicked and I had to get an EKG.  In the US that means tons of money and hours in the ER but here it is a lot easier.  Radika - the school nurse took me.  I refused to use a wheel chair in the school because it upsets the kids, but I did use one in the hospital.  They sent us upstairs to where they do the EKGs but said we had to pay first - downstairs. This is why you should never go to an Indian hospital by yourself!  There is no way I could have gone downstairs!!  It was 320 rupees - $4.87 :)  My EKG was perfect but I was in so much pain and having trouble catching my breath - they wanted me to go to the ER.  Thankfully Radika was with me and told them my symptoms were from a chronic illness we had a doctor coming to the school.  Dr. Lankani is the doctor who comes to my house when I am sick.   He was working at the US consulate which is a few blocks away from the school.  I told him it was my lungs.  That Lupus causes inflammation and in my heart and lung lining and causes extreme pain.  When I push on my chest, it feels better because it pushes the fluid in different places.  I told him I needed stronger anti-inflammatory meds than Advil and that I would need steroids to jump start fixing the pain.  He listened to my lungs and they showed exhalation problems.   Which is not new.  I have the lungs of a 90 year old!!  You know that test where you blow into the tube?  I fail it every time!!  Whenever I see a movie where someones car goes into a river and they hold their breath for two minutes while they get out??  I always think " I would die in 15 seconds!!"  That is literally how long I can hold my breath.

He agreed with everything I said :)  and I got my steroids and new anti-inflammatories and stomach meds to counter the anit-inflammatories.  I know the drill :)

I'm totally fine.  Not life-threatening at all.  Just very painful.  I went to the gym today and worked HARD.  People always think I should rest when I don't feel well, but I would be resting all the time!!  The fact that I do so much exercise is what keeps me from being disabled.  I know not to push it too hard and I know when I need to rest.  Planning on running the Mumbai half marathon :)  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

First day back with Nilendra

I love my trainer, Nilendra!  He's funny, pushes me, and gets excited when I get excited!

He always makes me walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes to "warm up"  which I think is stupid since I walk 20 minutes to get the gym!!  but he wanted me to do 15 min every time, but I negotiated to 5. He came RUNNING up to me yesterday.  He missed me!  mostly because I am an excellent client and always show up (unless I am puking).  We play a flat fee for a year for the trainer, but my friend has a theory that the trainer only gets paid if we show up because we always have to sign their trainer book when we work out with them.  So if you are lazy and don't go, they don't get paid.  So he is happy that I show up when I say I am.

He went easy on me - only 60 squats! usually I do between 120-150 with him.  He didn't make me run sprints either!!  Good first day!

He has a friend that is a dietician and is getting further training and is studying athletes so he is interviewing his clients that are athletes.  So I had to tell him what I eat during training and what I eat when I'm not training.  You should have heard me try to explain what a pretzel is!!  (I've only seen them in one store in India - they aren't common)  We were going through what I eat on a normal day.  It all sounds good -
  dahi (or oatmeal) with fruit and honey
  apple or nuts for a snack
  rice (or pasta) with chicken and vegetables
  granola bar
   rice (or pasta) with chicken and vegetables

When he got done writing it I said - oh and chocolate cake (or candy bar, or cookies) .  He said lunch or dinner?  I said "both!"  He asked "how often?"  I said every day!!  He cracked up laughing.  He said his friend was going to show the answers to her instructor and revise the plan and give feedback.  I frowned and said "she's going to say no chocolate cake"  and he said "no, she's a friend of mine.  I'll tell her that the chocolate cake is a must"  ha!!  this is why I love Nilendra!