Sunday, June 30, 2013

My greatest adventure with Charlie

I stayed with my sister and her family for a week.  She was 8 months pregnant and uncomfortable so I took Charlie on "adventures" to give my sister a break.  I'd take her in the stroller to the store or the park.   On our walks, she'd say "Aunt Bob, I'm happy"

future marathon runner

getting my purse so we could go 

on our way to the store and park 

On Thursday night, Brianna asked what I wanted to do on my last day in the states.  I said I wanted to take Charlie to the zoo.  Bri and Ben had a doctor appointment so they dropped me and C off at Miller Park (the park near my grandmothers house that I went to a lot growing up).  We played for a half hour until the zoo opened and met my brother Brandon there.  Bri and Ben came later and we all explored the zoo.  The doctor said the baby looked good, but she was still breach.

she loved the "windows"  we spent about 20 min of our 30 min at this one thing

taking a break with uncle Brandon

C saw kids on the carousel and wanted to ride it.  Bri didn't think she'd like it too much, but I got a ticket and thought we'd try it.   She sat on the dinosaur then a bunch of other kids got on so we didn't start right away.  She got bored and wanted "another animal".  I put her on a horse and stood to her side with my arm around her.  When the ride started, I heard her squeal.  I thought she was startled but she was thrilled!!  We waved at mommy, daddy, and Brandon every time we passed.  She LOVED it and of course there was a lot of very upset cries of "again!!" as we tore her away from it.
she has the elephant dress on that I got her

she was far more excited that she looks
 She had so much fun at the Zoo.  I thanked her for letting me take her and she said hugged me and snuggled with me and said she was glad.  We all piled in the car to go.  We didn't know that the day's adventures were just about to start!!!

We drove to my grandmothers old house to look at it and we were talking about what drive through we were going to.  We got about two blocks when my sister said she needed to pull over and she got out of the car.  Movies and TV always portray a woman's water breaking as chaotic and hilarious.  it kind of is!  I had never seen it happen in real life.  At least it happened in the street and not in a store or something!  Ben took over driving and he ran in the house to throw some stuff together - they were not prepared with a bag.  Thank goodness I was there to take care of Charlotte.  Bri and Ben went to the hospital and I tried to get Charlotte to take a nap.  She wasn't really sure about what was going on.
Later Mr. Ron (my father) came to get us and took us to the hospital to see Baby Sister.  Because they had an appointment that day, they knew she was breach and did a C section right away.  Natalie Faith was born exactly a month early and was healthy.

Charlie's life will never be the same!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

First Irish half marathon

I am in Galway, Ireland for a month to do grad school.  We get out at noon on Fridays so I took a train to Dublin then Waterford to run the Waterford Viking half marathon.  Waterford is a cute town and I wish I had more time to see it.  I didn't even get to see the Waterford Crystal Factory.

It was a small marathon and not may roads were completely blocked off and there were also many roads with no sign where to go.  I tried to keep up with people so I could see where they went!  I was in such a rush to leave school to make the train that I forgot my running shoes.  I had my walking shoes on, but it isn't the same.  I ran quite a bit in february and a mile here or there in March and that has been the extent of my running!  I have been walking 5-7 miles a day in the last few weeks.  I thought the race would be measured in KM which is easier to pace myself, but no.  It was in miles.  I ran/walked for the first 9 miles.  Mostly running so I was proud of myself!  I felt blisters starting on my feet between mile 3 and 4.  Augh!!!  I can't believe I forgot my running shoes!  I found a civil defense ambulance med station and asked for vaseline to check how bad the damage was.  There was no blood coming out of my shoes so I took that as a good sign!  I have actually had that happen before :(  I pulled my shoes off and there was a big blister on both feet slightly in front of my arch.  They twinged a little when I walked and burned like fire when I ran so I decided to walk the last four miles.  I'm doing another half marathon in 3 weeks and need my feet recovered!  I still finished in 3:15.  Not bad.  There weren't tons of spectators out, but every single one of them said "well done" "You're almost there" and "it's all downhill from here"

It's a little painful to walk but I attribute it to my shoes and not the unpreparedness.  We'll see how the next one goes.

I am on a train right now to Heuston sta. Dublin, but it looks like there is a faster connection to Galway if I get off in Kildare.  I have a lot of school work to do so I will try to get home as fast as I can.

This is the only race I've ever been in where we got the same medals from running the half and the full. I asked twice if I had the right medal and they said yes.

I didn't get to take many pictures running.  Here's what I got.  When I changed my clothes I saw that my socks were bloody.  I chose not to show the very cool picture I took of my bloody foot!

Friday, June 14, 2013

June in Texas

My friend Theresa picked me up from the airport.  She has ran dozens of miles with me for Team in Training. I jabber and keep her entertained and she provides me with a witness so I can't quit :)  She took me to the DMV to get my drivers license renewed.   I went in and got a number and the two ladies next to me complained every time a number was called about how long the wait was.  Who goes to the DMV thinking it is going to take 10 minutes!?!?!?  I had been traveling for 23.5 hours and was waiting patiently.  They called my number about 30 minutes in, scanned my thumbs, checked my sight, took my picture and sent me on my way.  Of course, I don't actually have my license because Texas still mails you your license 6 weeks later.  WHY?!?!  I'm sure it is the only state that still does that.  I put my mailing address as my father's and hope he gets it and mails it to india for me.  Theresa took me to Stacy's house so I could nap until Norma got out of school.  4 hours later she had to come and force me up.  I was out for the count!!  We went with norma to Spring creek BBQ and I had a huge potato!!

I spent one night with Norma.  We went for a walk around a lake by her house.  They amount of space.. and quiet is amazing!  She went shopping with me the next day to get shoes etc.  and we went to Panera!!

I stayed with my friends Paul and Sally for the rest of my time in Houston. They are so sweet!  They let me stay in a really comfy room with and it was nice to take a real shower.  Paul rides his motorcycle to work so they let me use their truck which allows me to be independent and see people, shop, etc.  Their daughter Karin and her husband have three little girls who call me aunt Bob and I basically spent most of my Houston time with them.  They are 4, 3, and 2.5 and they are adorable.  I read to them, played with them, and ate with them.  Melody showed me her swim lesson skills in the tub :)  I bought them a puzzle in Thailand and we put that together a few times.  I also brought them bracelets, pillow cases, and change purses.  Aunt Bob is a hit!

I got to spend an afternoon with Jamili at the Olive Garden. Jamili and I work at a Girl Scout camp in Illinois in 1996 and 1997.  We have been friends through moves to multiply state and India!  and it is always great to see her.

I only got to spend 3 days in Houston and then it was off to Illinois.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Two years down

I am completed two school years in India!  The decision to teach here has changed my life in so many ways!

I get to teach at an amazing school.  For the first time I feel like I get to teach more than any of the other stuff teachers have to do.  Obviously, I have to do that stuff too, but I get to teach more than I ever have.  I teach with amazing colleagues.  They are passionate, dedicated, and knowledgeable.  Being in this setting has pushed me to be a better teacher.  I am in my second year of my masters program in Educational Technology.  I am starting a program this year to be a math coach.

I have gotten to travel more than I ever have.  India was my 5th country (that's counting the US, a 4hour stop in canada on a cruise ship, a high school trip to Mexico, and mission trips to Ecuador)  It's been two years and England will be my 15th country this year.  ( I have been to Israel(twice!), Jordan, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Vatican City, Thailand, Ireland)

It has been a challenge and Mumbai is not an easy place to live.  I have definitely had some loneliness, sadness, and some struggles to find my place here.

I have signed on for a third year.  I will be teaching 6th and 8th grade math again next year.  Next year will included more adapting!  We are getting a new middle school principal.  I will be an 8th grade advisor next year (instead of 6th).  My amazing teaching partner is moving to Hong Kong and I will have to break in a new teacher :)  I have to host the math counts competition for 5 other schools.  We are having a new teaching schedule and I will be doing my 3rd year of my masters program online!  All of these things will be good, but another layer of challenge!!

Due to Grad school, I only get to be home for 14 days.  I will be in Houston for 3.5 days.  mostly because I need a new drivers license.  I will be spending 10 days in IL - mostly with my sister who is very pregnant!!  which means Charlie is getting a little sister and I will have two nieces to visit at Christmas :)

God has blessed me and I am happy with my life here.  but boy am I looking forward flying to the US  tomorrow.