Friday, June 14, 2013

June in Texas

My friend Theresa picked me up from the airport.  She has ran dozens of miles with me for Team in Training. I jabber and keep her entertained and she provides me with a witness so I can't quit :)  She took me to the DMV to get my drivers license renewed.   I went in and got a number and the two ladies next to me complained every time a number was called about how long the wait was.  Who goes to the DMV thinking it is going to take 10 minutes!?!?!?  I had been traveling for 23.5 hours and was waiting patiently.  They called my number about 30 minutes in, scanned my thumbs, checked my sight, took my picture and sent me on my way.  Of course, I don't actually have my license because Texas still mails you your license 6 weeks later.  WHY?!?!  I'm sure it is the only state that still does that.  I put my mailing address as my father's and hope he gets it and mails it to india for me.  Theresa took me to Stacy's house so I could nap until Norma got out of school.  4 hours later she had to come and force me up.  I was out for the count!!  We went with norma to Spring creek BBQ and I had a huge potato!!

I spent one night with Norma.  We went for a walk around a lake by her house.  They amount of space.. and quiet is amazing!  She went shopping with me the next day to get shoes etc.  and we went to Panera!!

I stayed with my friends Paul and Sally for the rest of my time in Houston. They are so sweet!  They let me stay in a really comfy room with and it was nice to take a real shower.  Paul rides his motorcycle to work so they let me use their truck which allows me to be independent and see people, shop, etc.  Their daughter Karin and her husband have three little girls who call me aunt Bob and I basically spent most of my Houston time with them.  They are 4, 3, and 2.5 and they are adorable.  I read to them, played with them, and ate with them.  Melody showed me her swim lesson skills in the tub :)  I bought them a puzzle in Thailand and we put that together a few times.  I also brought them bracelets, pillow cases, and change purses.  Aunt Bob is a hit!

I got to spend an afternoon with Jamili at the Olive Garden. Jamili and I work at a Girl Scout camp in Illinois in 1996 and 1997.  We have been friends through moves to multiply state and India!  and it is always great to see her.

I only got to spend 3 days in Houston and then it was off to Illinois.

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