Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why I love Swiss Air and Italian Immigration

Why I love Swiss Air and Italian Immigration

On Friday night I rode on school transportation to the airport with 3 other teachers and once at the airport I ran into several other ASB people – it was a mass exodus from India J  I was on the same flight to Zurich as one of my 6th graders and her family.  I sat with them while waiting for the flight and had the seat behind them on the plane.  The mom told me how much her daughter has improved mathematically and attitude wise in my class and that she has heard other parents sing my praises too J  good way to start the break.

The 9.5 hour flight was uneventful.  Everyone on the plane slept.  I watched 3 movies and took a couple 10 minutes naps – I wish I could sleep on planes!!!!  I like that Swiss Air gave us a chocolate bar after breakfast at 5am J and they gave everyone a hot towel to wipe our faces and hands– even me in row 43 of coach!!

I had a very tight connection in Zurich and was irritated with security.  I haven’t been anywhere but the plane since my last security screening!! They didn’t check my passport or boarding pass while I went through security which was weird, but they checked it later and asked why I was going to Rome – I said cruise and they let me go. 

I had a quick flight – a little over an hour to Rome.  For those of you who don’t fly internationally let me explain how it normally goes.  As you get ready to land the flight crew gives you a piece of paper to fill out – where are you from, where are you going, why, how long, address and phone of where you are staying, how much money you have etc.  When you land you go through customs, then immigration where they go over your piece of paper and depending where you are – ask you a few questions or grill you a lot.  Then they stamp your passport and sometimes you have to pay for a visa then you are on your way.  The immigration line can be an hour or two so I was a little worried about time. 

That is how it normally goes.  This is how it went in Italy.  They did not give us a piece of paper on the flight.  I walked through the door that said – customs nothing to declare.  No one stopped me or asked me questions.  Then I was outside where the Norwegian Cruise Line people were there with the shuttle bus.  I was worried I missed something.  I told the lady I had not gone through immigration.  She said there was no immigration.  I was really confused.  There was absolutely no record of me being in Italy with the exception of the plane manifest!!  She asked where I came from and when I said Zurich she said that is why no one checked me.  I looked at my passport and realized that Zurich stamped it.  So weird.  I don’t’ have an Italian stamp, but I do have a Switzerland stamp and I never left the airport!  Getting into Italy was a snap! It takes me far longer to get into the US where I am a citizen and far longer to get into India where I have a residency card!!

The bus ride was over an hour to the port at Civitavecchia.  I was the only native English speaker amid about 120 people on two busses.  I don’t speak French or German so my only hope was to make friends with the Spanish and Italian speakers.  I was hoping there would be more English speakers on the ship.  An old man from Luxemburg with limited English skills sat next to me on the bus – he was travelling with his girl friend (cute!) and her grandson.  The ride was nice – the roads were smooth and not crowded and I didn’t hear a single car honk! I got on the ship and took a nap. 

Travelling by yourself takes some balls sometimes J  You get very weird reactions sometimes.  Service people are always looking for “the rest of your party”.  I went to dinner in the main dining room and the man asked if I wanted to be alone or sit with others.  I asked to sit with others.  On other cruises people sit at these huge tables with 8-10 people and you can get to know others.  NCL is  a little different and seemed to just sit groups of people with themselves.  He asked if I would be comfortable sitting with a gentleman who was dining alone – I said sure.  His name was Rej – British with two daughters in their mid 30s.  It was his first cruise and we had a great dinner and conversation J  I went to bed early to try to fight jet lag.

Sunday morning (dec 23rd) I had breakfast at the buffet then walked on the deck for an hour.  At the end of the ship there was a railing where I could do 45 degree pushups – I did 50!  And I also did 100 walking lunges.  Not my normal workout but trying to keep some strength so I don’t have to start over with Nilendra when I get back.  We went passed Cicily – it was beautiful.  I talked to one of the service people from Delhi and we talked India for awhile.  He said he had many friends on the ship from Bombay.  I am making it my duty to look at the tag of anyone who helps me to see if they are from IndiaJ  The ship has Christmas trees and gingerbread houses up and Christmas music playing so it is a little festive.  And the crew members sing out random lines from songs J  After my walk I laid in a lounge chair and read a book.  It was about 50 degrees F and lovely.  At lunch there was a couple sitting at a table near me and another couple and their son sitting at the next table.  And I heard the first couple ask the second couple where they were from etc and both couples are international teachers!!!  One in Belgium and one in Italy.  Both work for the DOD – one at a US naval base and one at a NATO base.  So I told them I was an international teacher too and we all had a lovely conversation at lunch. 

After lunch I took a four hour nap!!  Don’t know why I am so tired!  Tomorrow is another day at sea.  I’m getting a little woozy.  I do ok when the ship is close to land – this morning was fine, but the farther we get into open water the woozier I get.  It isn’t that bad – I think most people don’t feel it.  I am very sensitive.  Thankfully my room is on the 5th floor in the middle so although I can feel movement it isn’t too bad.  The buffet, the workout room, the library are all on the 12th floor and I can’t stay up there too long L  The deck I walked on this morning is on the 7th floor and was fine today because we were close to land.  Hopefully I can walk tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Christmas eve.  I plan to go to a trivia thing and Caroling activity.  At 11:30 tomorrow there is a church service so I will nap tomorrow and stay up for it J  We also have Israeli immigration processing even though we don’t get there for 4 days!!  They are the opposite of Italian immigration!  We were supposed to go to two different ports in Israel, but due to unrest, we are going to one of them for two days. 
I’m enjoying my quiet time – reading, watching tv I downloaded onto my computer, walking, and napping.  I kind of like that we have two days at seas before I have to get up early and go sightseeing at places. 

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