Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Birthday Girls and train rides

We have a lot of summer birthdays in our family.  Natalie and my dad have June birthdays, mine is in July and Brianna and Charlotte have August birthdays.  Natalie's birthday was on father's day this year and we went swimming and had dinner with just me and the family.  On Saturday, my sister planned a joint party at a gymnastics place for Natalie and Charlotte, their friends, and their cousins. Obviously, it had a Hello Kitty theme!  The kids had a ball!  Most of the kids were 4 and over so they could do all the things the instructor set up.  Nat and one other girl are only two so they couldn't follow all the directions, but they had a blast just running around and doing their own thing!

I got them both tiaras

On Sunday, Ben and Brianna made burgers for a family party for Natalie's birthday.  So we had a house full of aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Natalie blowing out her candles. 

Charlotte helping Natalie cut the cake.

They LOVE their uncle Joey.  Charlotte is playing with one of Natalie's new toys. 
Brianna is reading one of Nat's cards to her.

I will already be in India when Charlotte's actual birthday rolls around so we had to do her birthday trip early.  I took her on her first Amtrak ride.  We went to Springfield, Illinois, which is about an hour ride. The train was about a half hour late so we had to wait patiently.

Bri took these for use.  I love how Natalie hugged Charlotte goodbye.  When Natalie gets older, I will take her someplace :)

On the way down, the train was full of people sitting by the windows with their devices plugged in so Charlotte and I had to sit across the aisle from each other.  It made it difficult to read books and she felt a little uncomfortable sitting next to a stranger.

When we arrived, we started walking to the Illinois State Museum. It was probably 7 or 8 blocks away and she is a SLOW walker.  She fell down and scraped her knee in the first 5 minutes right in front of the capital building.  My first thought was "Crap, I didn't bring any bandaids or wipes."  It didn't break the skin, but she was crying.  I nice construction worker saw it happen and brought over a wet paper towel for her knee :)

I was a little unsure of how suitable the museum would be for a 3 year old, but it was awesome!!  lots of information for older kids, but enough interesting model and things for her to touch that she enjoyed it.  She got to touch a real beaver tail and beaver fur.
Her hand is the same size as a bear paw print. 

That is a mastadon leg bone and she is pointing to a model of the whole animal.
We stopped at cold stone and she ate every bite of this bucket of ice cream and the waffle bowl!
On the train ride back, we got seats next to each other so we got to read and talk and she got to look out the window.

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