Monday, August 3, 2015

Being Aunt Bob

I am very fortunate to get to be Aunt Bob to a Gaggle of children.

My sister has two girls, Charlotte (4) and Natalie (2).  My very dear friends, Brendon and Karin, have 5 children.  Melody (6), Melissa (5), Hope (soon to be 5), Little man (15 months - he is not officially adopted yet so I can't post his name or picture), and Hannah Joy 5 months.

I spent 3 weeks at Brianna and Ben's house and got to spend a lot of time with Charlie and Nat Nat.  We went swimming, played in the park, played with puzzles, played dress up, had birthday parties, went for walks, read books, etc.  Natalie's vocabulary has exploded and I can understand most of what she says.  She has always called me "aunt Bob" and can actually say "Bobbi Jo" pretty well for a toddler.  But for my last few days there, she started calling me "Bee Bob". I am not sure why, but it is adorable.

I also introduced Charlotte to travel - her first train ride!

Snuggling on the couch

trying cotton candy for the first time

helping little sis cut her birthday cake

riding the train together

Nat Nat climbing

at the "nee nown"  playground

running in high heels like a boss

It has been 3 weeks since I have seen them.  I called my sister for her birthday and got to talk to the girls. Natalie lit up when she saw me and yelled "Bee Bob"  Music to my ears!  Charlotte told me all about their trip with their grandparents to Branson, Missouri.

She's going to need a little more training before she is ready to be a princess.  she is wearing her Hello Kitty tiara as a visor.

Whenever I walk into Brendon and Karin's house, I feel like the most popular rock star in the world.  I get assaulted by hugs and shouts of Aunt Bob!! I said I would be there Friday morning.  I was staying at Karin's parents' house and I got up, went walking got back at 8:30 to shower and head over the Karin's.  Sally said Karin had already called saying the girls had been looking for me since 7:15!  I hurried over there ASAP.  I have spent a lot of time with Melody, Melissa, and Hope since they were born.  I met Little Man when he was a few weeks old last summer, but this is the first time we have interacted when he was old enough to know who I was.  Hannah Joy was born in February so this was my first time meeting her.

Hannah Joy loved me and really enjoyed my voice.  She would crane her neck to look at me if I was reading to the other kids.

Melissa and Hannah hanging out
Hope with her Zah

Melissa and I snuggling

Chick fil a Cow appreciation day! 

Hannah in her cow outfit
I have a lot of pictures of little man, but I cannot post them until the adoption is final.  He is a delightful chunky monkey!  Even at 15 months, he knew quite a few words and wanted me to read to him a lot "book!!  book!"  even when we already had 5 books in my lap.  He LOVED me! and I learned quickly not to pick him up when he said "up" because then he would be attached to me for hours :)

I love my 7 precious angels that call me Aunt Bob!

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