Sunday, November 20, 2011

still much to be thankful for!

Some of you that have kept up with my facebook posts know I was horribly ill this week, but there is still much to be thankful for!!

 - I am thankful my school is computer based so I could chat with my kids and answer questions if needed.
- My Lesson plans were all electronic too - no need for printed copies - and kids could turn stuff into me
 - I have a great teaching partner and he told the school I'd be absent and helped some of my low babies in
    one of my classes
 - the doctor at school sent a prescription home with a neighbor and she had her maid call it in and have
    it delivered.
 - at one point I had lost 7 pounds!  now it is more like 5, but still :)
 - I am thankful Indians deliver anything!
 - I am thankful for friends that called to check on me.
 - Thankful for my maid who cooked me food and took care of me.
 - thankful I work for a school that allows us to leave if we aren't teaching.  My last class tomorrow ends
    at 1:30 so I can come home.   I could also go in late if needed.
 - thankful I have some "babysitters"  who went with me places to make sure I didn't pass out :)
- thankful this is a short week also!!

I was expecting this week to be fairly easy - we had Professional Development on Monday so only 4 days with the kids :)

Wednesday was a rough day because I received several negative parent emails.  I was bummed, but a friend reminded me of all the parents who do appreciate me and think I am doing the best for my kids.  It was good to hear.  I worked really hard on math stuff Wednesday night and was planning to be super teacher on Thursday and Friday :)

I woke up Thursday and went for a walk at 5:20 am like normal.  I started to feel queasy half way through.  By the time I got to my flat I ran to the bathroom and was so sick. For two hours I was violently ill- I couldn't even get to my computer to send lesson plans etc.  I was texting a co-worker two words at a time in between getting sick trying to get things settled for being absent. 

Jessie is my maid - I haven't laid eyes on her since the day I hired her (she leaves at three every day to work at another house).  She came in to find me curled up on the bathroom floor :)  She got me into bed, got me a puke bucket, cleaned up my bathroom and made me tea.  Have I mentioned she is a saint????  I spent all day Thursday and Friday sick as a dog!  I couldn't stay awake for more than an hour at a time.  Just the thought of taking a sip of water made me gag.  By Thursday night I was so dehydrated the doctor said if I didn't get some fluids in the next few hours I'd have to go to the hospital.  Spending the night in an Indian hospital did not sound like fun!!  so I asked for anti - nausea meds.  My friend Madeline called a chemist and had the meds delivered.  I took one and threw up less than a minute later!!!  That was the last time I threw up so I guess it worked - sort of....

I spent Saturday sleeping - literally could not stay awake.  Would get up to eat a cracker then have to take a nap!!!  I asked Molly and Amanda to walk with me to Pali to get some yogurt so I could get out of the house for a few minutes.  Those 15 minutes wore me out!!!!

Sunday was a little better - I could stay awake for a couple hours at a time - long enough to watch some Christmas movies :)  My math teaching partner and i needed to do some school work and I thought this would be a good test run to see if I would be strong enough to go to school Monday.  I go to school every day, you think it wouldn't be a big deal but today it was!
- I had to walk down the stairs to meet my coworker.
- We had to stand still a few minutes to find an empty rickshaw - i thought I was going to faint.
- Once we got to school I had to walk up three flights of stairs to my class room
- He did all the lifting and moving around. I just sat in a chair and did inventory and rearranged  
    bookshelves.     I had to rest every 15 mintues or so.  It was exhausting!  I managed to walk
    down the hallway to the bathroom without collapsing.  but it was close so I decided it was
     time to go home.
 - this involved the walk down the three flights of stairs.
 - ricks don't come up to the school so we had to walk a few blocks to a busy street
 - the rickshaw ride was a little sketchy so I was a little queasy
- got home and had to walk up four floors to my flat.

Now I do all this without blinking every day, but today - it was a stretch.  I was exhausted and nauseated.
but I did it!!  and am confident that I can teach two classes tomorrow!

I am super hopeful I will be able to enjoy thanksgiving dinner Wednesday night!!

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