Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Disaster Averted

I taught all day yesterday and flew all night so I was a little tired when I got to Amsterdam.  I went to the transfer area to get my boarding card for Warsaw.  I went through passport control and security.  I only had about 45 minutes until my flight.  I was debating whether to get some Lindor chocolate. On the one had they are yummy and cheaper here than in India.  On the other hand I am fat and need to say no to chocolate!!

Fortunately in this case I lacked the willpower to say no to the chocolate.  When I went to pay for it, I realized my wallet was gone!!!  Did I lose it at Security?  Did it fall out of my bag on the plane?  As I started heading back to security, I remembered that I had it at the transfer kiosks when I got my boarding card.  I told security what had happened and they took me to passport control.  They were worried about how soon my flight was and since my passport had already been stamped, they had to get a security officer to take me to look for it because I was no longer allowed to roam the airport on my own.

Patrice was a very nice lady and took me to the transfer kiosks.  No wallet.  They asked what it looked like.  I told them it was garbage- literally - it was made of recycled milk cartons. The nice ladies there looked around and went to the nearby desks to check.  No wallet.  They felt terrible for me - they helped me dig through my backpack to make sure I didn't put it in there instead of my purse.  I tried to stay calm as Patrice walked me back.  I had an emergency $20 bill in my backpack, but I wasn't sure that was going to be enough to get me to my hotel once i got to Warsaw.   I didn't know if the hotel would let me check in if I had to credit card to verify.  I figured this was the modern version of survival of the fittest.  I was about to head to Poland with no cash and no credit cards. I had my passports and boarding card so I figured I could get on the flight and have that time to figure out a plan.

As we were running through the airport Patrice saw an information booth and suggested we stop there.  She rattled off my predicament in Dutch and the lady at the counter bent over and pulled out a plastic bag that had my wallet!!!!!  Patrice jumped for joy and hugged me!  I opened it and my Indian debit card, American credit card, US dollars, Euros, and rupees were all in there!!  My driver's license was not in there.  She said it is routine for the police to take it when there is a lost wallet.  Patrice and I went to a police counter - no license.  We went to the next one and she rattled off the information and I heard the (very handsome) Dutch police man said "Bobbi Jo - Texas??" Patrice and I both squealed and jumped for joy!  We took it and ran through the airport.  She breezed me through passport control.  They made me go through security again but they did it quick and the whole lot of them were cheering me on and having Patrice recount how we found my walled WITH ALL MY MONEY STILL IN IT!  She escorted me all the way to my gate and hugged me.   She was seriously an angel.

I travel through many airports and I will have to say that the people working at the Amsterdam airport at the nicest people ever!!!!

Imagine, if I wouldn't have gone to pay for the chocolate, I probably would not have noticed until I got to Warsaw that it was gone and I would have been up a creek!!

Moral of the story - Being a chocolate addict has its benefits.  and God is Good!

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome- glad to know ther are still good people out there & every travel panic isn't a disaster. I've lost my wallet getting out of the cab & Humberto left his debit card in the ATM not 15 min later & we had to have my mom wire us money to Argentina!
