Saturday, January 14, 2012

First week back from Christmas Break

I had a great vacation, but it was great to get back.  The were enthusiastic and I got to hear about all the amazing places they went to over break.  Many of them mentioned they got to eat beef in whatever country they went to.  Ha!  eating beef was a highlight of my break too! 

One day I was eating lunch and a piece of my tooth broke off. AUGH!!!  I have been to several Indian hospitals and they aren't pleasant! so i was dreading the dentist.  I don't even like going to the dentist in the States!  I asked colleagues about finding a good dentist.  I found one that went to dental school at NYU and the office was clean and nice and close by.  AND he saw me at 6pm.  It cost me 800 rupees ($16) for him to investigate and take an x-ray.  Turns out there was a crack in the tooth and food and water have been getting in there for months and the tooth just cracked apart!  gross!!!!!!  There is an abcess in there so I have to take antibiotics for a week before he can do anything.  so I'm walking around with a hole in my tooth and I can only eat on one side of my mouth.  I am going back next week for him to clean it out and disinfect everything.  Then I have to wait a few days and he'll fill it, then wait a few days and he'll put in the post, then wait a few days and put on the crown.  augh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  not fun!!!

Praise God the actual tooth doesn't hurt to much, but I have been getting wicked headaches and my face, neck, and shoulder on that side hurts.  :(  I am running a half marathon tomorrow that I am not prepared for.  I used to be a serious athlete until India ruined me! Ha!  I would wake up at 4am every saturday to do long runs of 8-21 miles.  EVERY Saturday.  and anything under 16 miles I could do without even thinking or putting much effort into it.  I would just run (and talk :) until the miles were over.  no big deal.  It was just a part of my life.  It is so hard to run here.  The pollution, traffic, noise, running surface - all bad.  It wasn't going to be an easy run tomorrow but now that my head feels like it's about to fall of my body - it is going to be really hard.

But I get an international medal.  and that is the important part!!  :)

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