Thursday, January 26, 2012

The dental saga

One day in Israel I kept telling my friend I needed floss - it felt like I had stuff in one of my back teeth.  when I finally got to some floss, nothing really came out.  Now I know it was a sign of my tooth having major issues.

A couple weeks ago, I was eating lunch at school and my tooth broke apart in pieces!!  I hate the dentist in the best of situations!  I asked around at school for a good dentist.  I have seen the several hospitals here and was afraid the dentist would be like that - shudder.  A staff member recommended Dr. Sharma at Dental Innovations.  I called and got an appointment that night at 6 pm.  He took x-rays and dug around in there.  He said that a it had gotten cracked a few months ago and food and water has been getting stuck in there - hence the breaking apart like a rock.  He said I needed a root canal :(  and that there was an abcess in there and we needed to get rid of the infection before he could do anything.  Positive thing - the visit cost 800 rupees (about $16) and he gave me perscriptions for antibiotics and pain meds - cost like 120 rupees I think. 

Visit 2 - A few days later I went in for the root canal.  Fortunately this guy does night appointments so I don't have to miss school.  The root canal lasted 2.5 hours!  He did all of it including my teeth cleaning.  All the hygenist does is suction.  He found out the roots were worse than he thought - really infected so he put a bunch of meds in there and covered it up with a "dressing".  He had me pay for the root canal and the filling and it was 5300 rupees - like $110!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Visit 3 - I went in for him to check the roots and put the filling in.  He took this thing that looked like a push pin with the pin part like 1.5 inches long and shoved it into each canal.  He didn't give me any pain meds.  Said people think he's a sadist!  but this way he can see if anything hurts before he seals infection in.He took another x-ray and saw a little infection left in the canal.  This appointment took maybe 30 minutes.   One canal hurt at the bottom so he put more medicine in there and covered it with the "dressing" again.   Cost - Free it was included in the root canal.

Visit 4 - We had the day off for Republic Day so I had an appointment at 4.  He did the whole push pin thing again.  hurt a tiny bit, but he went ahead with it anyway.  He put in more meds and filled the root canals. - again no pain meds because the roots are dead.  Took about 30 minutes and free again.   He asked how my day off went and I told him about my TRX torture training.  He asked if I come up with that stuff or have a trainer because he doesn't push himself if he doesn't have a trainer. Trust me,  I would not be doing push up with my feet higher than my body unless someone made me!!!!!!!!!

Vist 5 - He put the post in and filled the tooth.  There was so little left of the tooth that if he filled it without a post then there would be more filling than tooth.  He also drilled a cavity in another tooth and filled it.  It is very weird to do all this with no novacaine but so far it is working out ok.  and my face isn't numb when I leave and I can eat a lot sooner!

Visit 6  - this was the worst so far!!  augh!  He had to drill off parts of the filled tooth so the crown would fit perfectly.  Apparently that tooth was so bad for so long that my gums had started growing into the tooth so he had to put the cord in there to pull the gum away from the tooth.  It hurt a lot!!  augh!  He pulled the gum away and then put the cord between it and the tooth.  Not good.  Then he had to make the mold.  the bottom teeth were ok.  The top was horrible!  I have a really bad gag relex and nearly threw up all over him multiple times.  I cannot wait to be done with all this!

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