Monday, October 10, 2011

Two perfect days

On Sunday I woke up and went walking really early in the morning.  I came home, did some work then met Amy so we could walk to church.  I really enjoyed church then went home to put my stuff away and wait for Andrea to show up so we could go to lunch.  She calls all exasperated and asked where I was because she was standing outside of my door.  I thought I misunderstood and that I was supposed to meet her outside of my building.  No - she had been knocking at another apartment - she was on the wrong floor!!! ha!! We went to Eat around the Corner - one of my favorite places and actually ran into some of the people at my church.  A few new interns had come during the last week are just getting used to India.  After lunch we went to Pali market and chatted with the guys at Choice market while they helped us get our stuff.  We went to my flat so I could get my work stuff then we walked over to Andrea's - I laid on her purple chair to work and she laid on her couch.  I got a lot of work done!  Dax and Amy came over for awhile.  We ordered food from Falafel house and then Andrea's friend Joel came over and brought his friend who is a runway model.  She was probably over 6 foot and was really thin.  real live runway model who probably doesn't eat an entire sleeve of oreos in one sitting....

On Monday I had a good ride on the bus to school, had a great new picture of my niece Charlie, got a lot of work done before school and was ready to hit the day running.  I had the kids answer reflection questions for Parent Teacher Student conferences and most of them wrote great things!!!  In 8th grade we were doing exponent laws which is not the most fun thing and they were doing well.  One of my kids - we'll call him Mr. India - is not the best at math and his parents say it has always been a struggle and he hates math etc... Well, today he rocked!!!  He asked me for lots of help at the beginning but after I worked one out with him, I'd make him go explain it to another child.  As the morning went on, he didn't better and asked less questions.  I emailed his mom to tell her and she was so excited.  She has told me several times that she is so appreciative that Mr. India likes math now.  Later his Dad emailed me!!  thanked me for making his son and wife happy and said he wished he had a teacher like me!!  yea!!
My 6th graders worked hard today - one part that wasn't perfect was their marks on the quizzes but.....
During my off block I had a meeting with the principal that went well...
On Monday's after school the other math teacher, Mr. Davis, and I work with the lower kids who need help in math.  We usually have a lot of kids and we do some fun game or something with them.  Today only 5 kids showed up because soccer has started.  I had worked really hard on making this activity for them that would be no fun with 5 kids so I was kind of bummed.  Mr. Davis had a meeting so it was just me and the 5 girls so I said we'd hang out and have "girl talk".  We went on this really cool math website and competed with each other and kept score to see who improved etc.  They were so into it!!!  Constantly trying to beat their time and score.  The hour flew by - they had so much fun!!  What a fantastic way to end my school day!! 
I caught the first bus and had a great ride home, a great walk in the evening and a good chat with my Dad on the phone.  it was a really good day!!

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