Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 1 of the "Week Without Crying"

I promised my teaching partner this would be a week without crying.  Well, hopefully more than a week :)  but this week was the starting point!

My elbow wasn't too bad. but my back was hurting.  It woke me up every time I rolled over last night.  and it was stiff this morning.  But this is the week of positivity!!  Today was Teacher day in India and the Administration greeted us as we got off the busses and hugged us and gave us a little box of wrapped chocolates.  NICE.  Kids even said "happy teacher day".  Don't think I ever got that in the states!

My 6th graders were WONDERFUL today.  They got my math jokes, participated etc.  The key is to have them in the morning.!!  I told them about the car because I was walking weirdly.  One little Indian girl said "This is Mumbai, Miss Staley"  her tone basically said "of course you'll be hit by a car!"  This other girl said "are you sure it was all mud you fell in?"  I laughed out loud.  I didn't smell any poop when I fell so I'm pretty sure it was all mud.  but my pants may never come clean!  Let's see if Jesse can miraculously clean them!

During my third block I laid down flat on my back in the teacher's workroom - that felt way better than sitting.  Took a little nap :)  During my 4th block, my teaching partner and I had to meet with our principal, assistant superintendent and a curriculum specialist named Erma.  Honestly we were dreading it a little because it was taking up some of our work time.  but she was wonderful!!!!  and helped so much in just one block.  We are spending a lot of time with her on Friday so that should be helpful!

I went walking today and got a new bag.  I also finally got a water cooler and ordered a huge thing of water from my Choice boys.  They delivered it and even set it up for me :)  love them.  now I have water and don't have to buy bottles anymore!

Day one of no crying was very successful and there were no new injuries!!!  That counts as a fantastic day!!
Have my 8th graders tomorrow and no faculty meeting tomorrow.  Should be easy to have a no crying day!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a great day! Sounds like things are coming together. If you feel you need some help by seeing a dr or a chiropractor here's the link to the consulate's list of docs. I used this in Brazil and was pretty pleased overall with whom I saw.

    I'm gonna check out one this week to begin my physical therapy hopefully soon! Not that I want you to use it but wanted to share just in case...Hope you're feeling better tonight!
