Tuesday, December 20, 2011

day three Banias Springs, Golan Heights, and sermon on the mount

We had breakfast at the Kibbutz which included eggs and pancakes so I was happy. We were supposed to go for a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee first thing but it was really windy and the water was rough so they postponed it. It would have been interesting to see what it was like rough so we could understand the Apostles' fear and why they needed Jesus to calm the sea. But we probably would have all thrown up!

We went to Banias Springs first which feeds into the Jordan river. Yeaster I forgot to mention that we could see a piece of Lebanon from the gardens that we went to. Today we saw Lebanon and Syria! Who would have thout I be this close to those places! We drove by a town the is half in Lebanon and half in Israel. Line right down the middle. Crazy. We saw a lot of barbed wire fence with signs that say "danger-mines" left over from Syria and Lebanon. Our guide Mier says cows get loose and wander around sometimes and blow a mine and they have Israeli hamburger :) it was a depressing ride ther but at the springs there were wonderful ruins. There were pilgrims from south Africa there singing and getting crazy -it was a nice addition to the scene.

We learned that Israel grows a lot of wheat that is perfect for pasta so the export it to Italy. Then they import all the wheat they need to make bread and stuff in from the US. Weird.

Gas is 7 US dollars a gallon here!

We went to the Mount of Beatitudes where the sermon on the mount was given. It was one of the most gorgeous places on Earth. So beautiful with a great view of the Sea of Galilee. An impressive church was built at the site by an Italian designer who did a lot of churches in Israel. It was funded by Muselini. Weird fact.

Then we went to Tabgha -the place where the miracle of the fishes and loaves took place. The Church of the Multiplication is there. There is an alter over the supposed rock where he laid the food. Marvelous tile mosaics that depict it are still there.

We went to Capernaum and visited the remains of a second century synagogue. At a lot of there sites they keep the original foundation which can be one to three THOUSAND years old and then they put some kind of marking to show where the original part ends and reconstruct it higher so you can see what the structure might have looked like. There is a church over the place where peter's house was.

We went to this place right by the sea and had Shwarma for lunch. Then we got in this boat and went on the Sea of Galilee. The weather has been perfect! It was probably in the 70s today and blue skies. Pretty white birds flew alongside the boat. They turned on music and played Chris Tomlin songs ( and some others) seriously got to sing along to "how great is our God" on the sea of Galilee!!

We had a new couple join us today from Hong Kong -they are adorable and always holding hands. The terra Haute family still remains the most sane and I like to hang out with them. Alabama is late getting to the bus every time! She is entertaining though. In her thick accent she said "I think spiders are the most misunderstood creatures on Earth" ok. California lady is loud and argumentative and her husband is pompous. You can get Christian or Jewish focused tours. Our is lead by a Jewish archeaologist so he knows his stuff for both Jews and Chriatians. Well somehow California man and Alabama were talking about beliefs and the man said he didn't believe in any god - he was atheist. And Alabama in her great accent said "it isn't possible to be an Atheist. Every one believes in a god. Sometimes it is just themselves. That's why "I"is in the middle of sin!

We learned that the sand along the Mediteranian sea in Israel is sand from the Nile. Pretty cool.

It was a great day. The sea of Galilee was amazing. The mount of beatitudes and the site of the loaves and fishes were amazing. new Zeland guy said that today was a day he'd cherish for the rest of his life. We agree.

1 comment:

  1. How weird that an Atheist would be going on a tour like this. You would think he just wouldn't care. Wow. Maybe being there will change his thoughts. I'm so glad you have this opportunity. I hope you are taking a ton of pics! I would love to see them!
