Monday, December 19, 2011

Israel day two-Caesarea, Megiddo, Haifa, and Acre

Day two

I had breakfast at the hotel with gretchen. Oh my. We were talking yesterday about craving eggs, they had boiled eggs and scrambled eggs! They had cereal with real milk. Cheese and bread and fruit. And mediteranian food like olives and figs and dates and Greek salad. Yum. The only thing they had that I eat regularly in India is dahi-which is yogurt.

There are 15 people on our tour.
A South Korean couple who live in the south of France right now- didn't get chance to talk to them today.
A couple from north of Toronto. The man seems ok. Not the woman :)
A couple from California-totally WT (David and Andrea)
A couple and their son ( in his 20s) from Terra Haute IN. We like them. (bill,Joyce and Aaron)
A man from New Zeland I didn't get to talk to
A man from Washington state who we like. (Tom)
A woman from Alabama who currently teaches in Japan. She has a great accent and says great things. I have a feeling many of my stories will be from her. We'll call her Bama. (Betty Ann)
And Ann who sat with me and we hit it off. She is Austrailian and is on a long trip -2weeks in New Zeland, 10 days in Istanbul, a week in Jordan, and now 2weeks in Israel.

We drove along the coast to Caesarea. We saw the Ampitheater, the Roman Theater, aquaduct, and other excavated ruins. It was so beautiful. The Mediteranian sea is so blue!

As we drove he would tell us about the region and history. In 1948 when the war started the Palistanian Muslims were told to take a vacation somewhere until the fighting stopped.  When a cease fire was called no one allowed to cross the borders either way so all those people were stranded and became permanent fixtures in refugee camps in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon etc. The Muslims that didn't run away got to stay and become Israeli citizens. They are exempt from the mandatory military service all Israelis must do. Mostly because any fighting would be with Muslim nations and they'd have to fight relatives so they can't be trusted.

We saw the site where Elijah prayed and his sacrifice was consumed by fire while all the other people were praying to Baal and were ignored.
We had a lunch of falafels.

The coolest thing today was Megiddo. It was a very important place because it linked the three continents together It is also supposed to be the site of Armageddon-the final battle. What struck me about the valley of Armageddon is that it looks like it is ready for the battle. It is a clear, flat field- no buildings or other structures.

We went to Haifa and saw the Persian gardens at the Bahai shrine. The gardens were gorgeous! we then drove to Acre and saw a mosque and some typical alleyways with shops.

The weather is nice. In the 60s, sunny and windy. I have to wear a jacket! The roads are nice and smooth. Most road signs are in Hebrew, Arabic, and English.

We are all staying in the same Kibbutz- kibbutz Lavi. It is a lot bigger than I expected. we had a buffet style dinner that was decent.

Before we left, I looked up the electricity situation and it seemed Israel has same plugS India does. Well anything I bought in India that only has two prongs-my hair dryer and camera work fine. My cell phone which has three prong does not fit in the three prongs here. Neither does my powerstrip that works in India and should work here! I got an adapter I got in The gift shop that works for American plus like my I-pad, but not my phone so I won' t have an alarm clock once the battery dies!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having fun! Surely your iPad has an alarm feature...

