Thursday, March 1, 2012

Keeping the Dentist on his Toes

So I went in today to start my 2nd root canal.  He put me in a different room today - said I may as well experience all the rooms since I visit so often :)  funny man that dentist!

He shoots me up with 4 or 5 doses of lidocaine over a period of time - we're chatting while the meds kick in.  All of a sudden, I get really sleepy and can't keep my eyes open.  I could no longer talk and my eyes kept closing.  I could feel the dentist taking my pulse and reclining the head part of my chair.  I could hear him talking in Hindi and telling his assisstant to get me pani and glucose.  After a few minutes I felt better and could open my eyes.  He said my blood pressure plummetted and I scared him.  He said the lidocaine wouldn't cause it, but I don't know what else would have done it.  He waited until I was stable then we started on the root canal. 

The lidocaine kicked in and it was really numb.  He pokes these long push pin things in side my tooth to clean out the nerves.  They also take the shape of the nerves when he pulls it out.  He always says things like "hmm" and "interesting" and "weird"   then he'll say things like "The nerve should look like this, but yours looks like that"  or " you should have three separate nerves her and two of yours have grown together"  or "hmm you should have a nerve here and you don't"  ha!!!     I know the Bible says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  but I am also weirdly made!  ha!  I have two spleens. My retinas are in danger of tearing because my eyes are so stretched and oval shaped, my immune system decided my organs are the enemy. My feet point outward like a ballet student.  HA!  and apparently my teeth are not formed correctly either :)

The abcess is still there, but he put medicine in it and if it heals properly by Wednesday, he can put the filling in and start fitting me for my crown.  Hopefully this will go much faster this time!!  :) 

Good news the root canal procedure cost $80.  :)  gotta love that!

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