Thursday, January 18, 2018

Belize- San Ignacio

Belize-San Ignacio

We took the 9 am water taxi from Caye Caulker to Belize City. Then we got onto a chicken bus which is a popular mode of transportation in Central America. It is local transport through the country side and people often bring their livestock. It is an old school bus with no AC so it wasn't super comfortable but with the windows open it wasn't too hot. I sat with Nicole who is a teacher from Australia and we chatted - we have a lot in common though she teaches high school. We both can read people really well due to being teachers so we like to analyse personalities. We also share an affinity for peanut m&ms.

Don't we all look so happy to be on the chicken bus?!

Nicole and I had to change seats to get out of the sun and this was my window.

Standing room only on the chicken bus

Nicole and I with Cameron and James behind us on the chicken bus.

We got to San Ignacio and dragged our suitcases quite far to our hotel - Midas. It was so much better than the one in Caye caulker. This one has hot water and good pressure! Our guide gave us an orientation tour and then we had lunch. In the evening we heard a presentation on the tour opportunities for the next day. We also had a cake and birthday party for Daniel- who turned 27. He'll become a good buddy to me on this trip too.

Dan with his birthday cake. That is our guide, Adrian, in the background.

 It is nice that we have a mix of nationalities and ages- from Cameron and Sage in their early twenties to two people in their 50s. All our rooms are on the same hall and it feels dorm like in a good way :) people are starting to bond and form friendships. 

The next morning, a lot of our group went to the ATM cave - which is a unique archeological site here.  It seemed pretty physically taxing and I would have to spend most of the day wet so I opted out.  Again, many of my decisions are based on "How do not have a Lupus episode?"  I hate that those decisions rule a big part of my life, but that is the reality.  I spent the day with Nicole, Martina, and Marilyn. We went to the market with Ryan and James and had yummy burritos and fresh orange juice - and a cupcake! for breakfast.  This is why Martina and get along so well!

Martina's selfie stick comes in handy! 

James enjoying his burrito

Martina with her breakfast cupcake.

The boys left for the caves and we went to see some ruins and then went to the Iguana project. Green iguanas are endangered because people hunt them so this organisation takes care of them and releases them back into the wild. We got to hold them and feed them.

This is Iggy - she has a bone disease and they are going to have to put her down 😧




One of the males was being super aggressive to the others - this guy has blood on him and the purple stuff is medicine for other cuts.

We went back into town to look for a secret Santa gift then went to hang at the pool. Some of us walked back into town for dinner. I had an awesome quesadilla and brought half of it back for breakfast the next day. 

I called Bri and the girls, my cousin, and my aunt. Christmas Eve is tomorrow and I am missing our big family gathering.  Traveling is awesome and rewarding but there are sacrifices and I get a little homesick around Christmas. Thankfully, we had wifi strong enough to Skype (only time on this trip!) so I got to talk to them while they were baking cookies.

Natalie  and Charlie

I miss live Christmas trees and I told the girl's to smell my dad's tree

These were super cool Christmas trees at the hotel that the Iguanas were at.  Pine Cones were are attached together - some from this area and some from Australia.

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