Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Attitude of Graditude

I’ve heard of people keeping gratitude journals – writing everyday things they are thankful for.  I think if I were to do that right now, I would never stop writing!!  Every day I could just sit for hours and list things I am thankful for.  So I thought I’d list a few…

1)     That ASB is so so so so helpful in getting us settled.

2)    That I haven’t been hit by a car or rickshaw yet!

3)    That I have wonderful friends sending encouraging thoughts.

4)    That ASB gave us phones so we can keep in the school loop.

5)    That I can use the phone to call the states. J

6)    That my principal is so kind and thoughtful.

7)    That my sister and the baby are doing well – should be born any day now.

8)    That ASB provides transportation to and from school every day.

9)    That ASB provides us with shopping trips.

10)                       That my niece is one step closer to getting out of the foster system and being adopted.

11)                       That I am able to have a maid here J

12)                       That I get to live in a clean safe place.

13)                       That the traffic noises in my apartment aren’t too bad.

14)                       That I have a bed to sleep in.

15)                       That lots of people are praying for me.

16)                       That there is such a thing as “school dude” and they will come fix everything

17)                       That most of the middle school teachers are male and wear shorts and stuff so I

            don’t feel out of place not dressing all cute like a lot of the other women J

18)                       That strangers have gone out of their way to help me find a church.

19)                       That I have internet and can communicate with people back home.

20)                       That other ASB employees live in my building.

21)                       That the school lunch food is yummy J

22)                       That the rain has been much less the last two days J

23)                       That the Indian people I have run into so far are super nice and helpful.

24)                       That my classroom has a window

25)                       That I am making some friends here..

There are a ton more – I could go on and on J so much to be thankful for!

Today we got to work with our curriculum so that was nice.  We also had a presentation on security.  Everyone that was worried about my safety can rest a little easier.  ASB has got it covered!!  They have armed security around the school; guards trained in martial arts, bomb defusal, etc; and emergency plans  for fire, earthquakes, civil unrest, hostage situations and terrorist attacks.  We are near the US consulate so they share any info that they have.  There are “safe rooms” and cameras etc.   I feel safer here than I did at schools in the states!

 Today was a great day!  and we get to meet the other teachers tomorrow!
oh yeah... I now have wireless internet in my apartment!!!!!!


  1. Why am I #7?? I think I should be bumped up to the top of the list! :o)

  2. I think if you saw more Jodie Foster movies you wouldn't be so happy about the "safe room"

  3. Yay for internet!!!!!!!! Let's Skype! =)
