Saturday, August 13, 2011

Comments from kids

I had the kids write letters about themselve - some told me very little, some wrote a lot.  I put the funniest ones first and then the inspirational ones at the back.  MAKE SURE YOU REAS THE LETTER IN RED. - by a 6th grade girl.

   I have no favorites in math... The hardest for me in math is when there are complicated problem sums with crazy numbers.”

6th grader “I was solving ohm’s law equations over the summer with parallel and series…I think I’ll get around an A this year in math “  um… yeah, mr. ohm’s law.  I think you will get an A.

“I have 6 six friends their names are…”   HA!  He has exactly 6 friends.

“I don’t like questions that I have to write words”

“I hope that this class isn’t boring, because in Germany it sometimes is really boring.”

 “I hate rain and basketball”

“my favorite singer is Justin Bieber”

“my favorite band is One Direction.  I love Thai and Asian food”

“My favorite thing in math is 1 + 1”

“my nephew is 5 months and already says ooops.  I used to have a dog called hollie but she died.  I also had a rabbit but we had to give him away.  I love all animals.  I’m scared of the dark and insects.  I also do not know how to read a clock and I struggle a lot with fractions.”

“ I enjoy doing extreme sports such as dirt biking and paintballing.  I know how to DJ.  I have been to 7 schools”

“I speak malay, Tamil, and English”

This is almost the entire letter from a 6th grader!!!! WOW  “My home language is English. When I am bored I like go out on my skateboarded (if it is not raining). Like most other kids I have a hobby, I like to think that my hobby is piano because it interests me. My goal and dream in life is that I want to be a music teacher or be a PE teacher.

The things I am proud of is that I manage my Coeliac disease (wheat allergy) very well.  I have been a Coeliac since I was 4 and now have a good understanding of what I can and can’t eat.  I don’t try and cheat because it makes me so ill.  I can remember being in hospital a lot until the doctors found out what was wrong with me, so I want to stay fit and healthy now.

There is another thing I would like to share with you this is my first time I have lived abroad and I am starting my third year here in India.

As a student I would like to think school is about making new friends every year, learning and understanding more.  Also school is where you met your first friend or friends and also school prepares you for when you go to work and when you enter the big world.

I am a hard working, respectful student who will always try her best.  I do not find school work easy but I try my hardest.  My favourite subjects are PE and Choir and my parents think I am quite sporty.  I enjoy Maths and Language Arts but I do find them challenging.  I am hoping that this year I will get better at these subjects and find them more fun.  When I receive homework I do my homework on that day even when it is due another day.  I do this because you will get more homework the next day and you will have twice the amount.  At the moment I am trying out for the SAISA swimming team so I know I have to stay on top of my work as if I make the team I have to practice 4 times a week.

One of my most memorable maths moments is when my friend and I played a game, where you pick one card and the other player does the same.  The first person to guest what the two numbers both add up to wins.  I remember this because it does not seem that you are learning.   It felt like you are playing a regular game.  My favourite maths topic is adding and subtracting big and small numbers I like this because sometimes it can be challenging and others not.  My least favourite topic in Maths is dividing because I cannot find a technique that suits me.

I know I need to improve my maths skills and the only way I am capable of doing that is by practicing a lot.  I am hoping for my grades to be at least 80% and do not know if this will be my level, but all I can do is try my best.”

8th grader       .” I have one dog, and one sister, and I live in south mumbai. I used to be fine with math in elementary school and 6th grade, but by the time I got to 7th grade, I started to hate it. I don’t know if it was because of the teacher, or because of just not being good at that kind of math, but either way, it didn’t work for me. I don’t like decimals very much, and I don’t like that geomatry perimeter thing that we did at the end of last year. I like fractions, and I like negative numbers.”

8th grader .” I am only 12 years old because I skipped first grade in ASB. I love to act and I spend most of my free time playing video games and stuff like that. I have a sister in 10th grade at this school. I was born and brought up in London, England and I have a British passport. I moved to India 7 years ago and I am moving back after eighth grade. I am good at working in a  team because I get along with everyone and I do my share of the work.”

I am not very good at math and it is definitely not my favorite subject. This year I am going to put in my best effort to understand everything that goes on in class and I am hoping to start liking math more.

“ I would like to think I listen to all the members of the team.  I think working in a team makes work seem more fun.  I’m nervous because I don’t want to make too many mistakes because it brings the whole team down.  I’ve always had my strengths and weaknesses in math but I always try to improve.  I’ve liked learning algebra even though it can be very hard at times”

“As far as math is concerned, its not my strongest subject.  I started enjoying math towards the end of the last year and I really work to try super hard to excel in maths.  I really like geometry (though I’m bad at it) and I struggle with integers.  I know math is a really important subject and I really want to try harder”

An 8th graded who requested to move out of advanced Algebra and into my class.  He got the top score on our quiz the first day. “I love food, golf and hanging with friends.  I actually don’t mind math but just need some extra help every now and then”

“I look forward to learn from you”


  1. Some of them write as well as my students. Hm. Or maybe my students write like 6th graders?

  2. Hmmm...a child smart enough to know if you cheat on your Celiac diet you will feel the consequences. I can't get my adults to understand that principle.
