Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I had a better day today!

I had a really good day today!  I generally wake up right before my alarm because it gets light out and the birds are LOUD!  I turn on my geezer to warm up my shower then I check email and facebook – It is about 8pm central time so I can read about everyone’s day.  Today I got the news that my niece who is a foster child J  is one step closer to being adopted by my friends.  Yea!  We had school sessions today and I learned a lot and didn’t feel too overwhelmed.  Still haven’t tackled the math part yet... but the rest of school seems more manageable.  It is actually not raining right now and I would love to explore, but I am waiting for the internet guy – 6th time – hopefully it will be working by the end of today!!

Several other people have told me they have had meltdowns too so I feel better about that.  Not that I want others to have meltdowns!!  Ha!!  But that I am not the only one.

This is my first day coming home to a house cleaned by a maid!!  Laundry done and ironed, floors clean, dishes cleaned and put away.  She even laid out my running medals all pretty J  (I only brought a few with me – the others and the display stand it coming in my shipment)

At every interview I asked if there were Christian churches in the area.  Beijing was very honest and said there were some for expats but locals were not allowed to go etc.  Here they told me there were a lot within walking distance.  I’ve seen 2 and they are both Catholic.  Who knows, maybe these Catholic churches are structured more like Protestant churches.  The one I went to in Houston had Bible studies which the ones back home never did.  I am hoping to find a non Catholic Christian church in the area.  I met a woman today who has been at the school for 20 years and she is from a missionary family and she said she’d think about the area churches and talk to me about it later.  She asked me if I was told there were loads of churches here and she kind of laughed.  I think she was hinting that some people’s perception of that differs.  I don’t think they were trying to lie to me J  Catholic Churches are technically Christian because they believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but all their extra add ins are convoluted.   I went to a Catholic church my whole life and still go with my dad at Christmas, I have nothing against them, but I prefer to go to an evangelical one just to keep my walk with the Lord strong.  I think once I find a family of believers, I will feel more connected. 

We have one more day of new teacher training then all the teachers come Thursday.  The kids come next Thursday.  It is fantastic they come Thursday and Friday  then we get a three day weekend!!!   I don’t think I will plan a trip for then, maybe something here in Mumbai.  Hopefully I will get my shipment by then and be able to unpack and feel a little more settled.
Getting excited to meet the other teachers!


  1. I will be praying you find a church too....but more than that, I'll pray you find some fellow believers! You are in a missional situation - who knows...maybe you'll be able to have "church" like the early NT churches and meet in someone's home! And you can always (well, once your internet works!) download The MET's message...Bruce Frank was back last Sunday - always a good one!

  2. Glad your day was better, if you have internet now it is cause for celebration!

  3. Hey Bobbi Jo!!! So glad you have a blog and you made it safely to India. I downloaded all your posts so far and read them all on the plane home this morning. Sounds like you are having quite an adventure & that your school is going to be awesome. God will find the right church for you & you've got lots of people praying for you!

  4. I'm praying you find a good church that can make you feel more at home!!!
